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Keeping your Dog Safe at a BBQ

With summer finally here and the school holidays in full swing it's time to get the family together and light up the BBQ.

Our four-legged friends love a BBQ just as much as we do. However, with so many temptations for your dog, it's important to create a safe environment for them to enjoy. The best way to do this? We say - think like a dog! No one knows your dog better than you do - so if you have a dog that likes to help himself to scraps or one that's open to stealing socks then make sure you take some extra steps to help keep them out of mischief!

Here are some top tips for keeping your dog safe during BBQ season:


It's no surprise that dogs naturally flock to the smell of delicious food cooking on the BBQ, however lots of typical BBQ food can be toxic to dogs. It's therefore important to ensure certain foods do not end up in the wrong... well let's say, paws!

You may already know some of the dangers that could be around, such as chicken bones. But are you aware of some less obvious ones - such as:

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Corn on the cob

  • Avocados

  • Grapes

  • Chocolate

  • Raisins

  • Alcohol

Establish boundaries:

If your dog lingers for long enough, with their best puppy eyes, they will often find guests who will begin to share their food with them. However, it's important to ensure this doesn't happen.

  • Ask guests not to feed your dog scraps from their plates before you begin to eat.

  • Supervise children around your dog when it comes to food time - dogs can sometimes be unpredictable around food.

  • Try giving your dog a healthy chew to chomp on or a fun toy to play with to help keep them occupied.

Create a safe place for your dog:

It's also important to consider some other potential dangers too:

  • Cover rubbish bins or use a lidded bin to avoid your dog rummaging around and finding things they shouldn’t (like kebab skewers or napkins).

  • Make sure the BBQ lid is kept down whenever possible to prevent curious dogs from burning themselves.

  • Ensure oil trays are out of reach.

  • Do not leave items on the floor at dog level. Do you need to be mindful of clothes as well as food? Remember to ask yourself... what would your dog like to get his paws on?


It's likely that you will be having your BBQ on a hot, sunny day and therefore it is important to keep your dog well hydrated. Ensure their water bowl is topped up regularly and make sure they have access to shaded areas. You could also try making your dog some cooling treats to enjoy. Head over to our blog post - 'Keeping your Dog Cool & Safe in the Heat' to find out more.

Sun cream:

Sun safety is just as important for our pets as it is for us. If you are reaching for the sun cream yourself, it’s likely your pet will need some too - especially if they have thin/white fur, or exposed pink skin. Be sure to use a pet-safe sun cream.

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